Friday, May 15, 2015

Atheism: Punishable by death?

And another one bites the dust. Sad to think that an atheist blogger in Bangladesh was murdered by religious fanatics because he expressed HIS views online. What kind of world do we live in where you express your views and pay with your life? As a fellow atheist myself I'm sad to learn these news. Scratch that, as a human being, I'm sad because of this. Ananta Bijoy Das, I know you will be missed. I know that not all religious people are so radical and extreme but nonetheless I stand firm in my belief that religion is a thing of the past. A primitive ideology that (in my view) has no place in modern era. It brings unnecessary harm, and it has done it throughout the centuries. It gives a false sense of entitlement that makes people believe they are justified in their wrong doings with the pretense that a man in the sky has allowed them. How sad to think that a man will kill another man only because they believe this man in the sky is on their side. One thing is for certain - Ananta did not deserve this. Nor did the previous two men who were also killed because they expressed their views online. These killers must see that they're sacrificing their humanity over an ideology. This begs the question: what's more valuable?